Segerberg Chess Blog
- very chessative since 2018
This is my personal chess blog. I will write here whatever pleases me. My chess club can quit complaining...

Blog Overview

Quarantine Blitz (200710)

I was stuck 14 weeks in Sweden. 10 weeks long I could not play chess, then I received an Iphone7 as a present and could join some Quarantäne-Liga. I noticed directly that I had forgotten some chess, and mostly the speed.

In a game against last weekend, a French game where White sacrifices the d4-pawn, after some minor faulty moves, I overlooked 25... 0-0 as well.
Mikichess6 (1944) - Himbeermousse (1973)

Last weekend as well, I had played a knights endgame very nicely. I had won White's knight by advancing one pawn. I had sacrificed my own knight to reach a won pawn endgame. Then, with over one minute left on the clock, I wanted to speed up the promotion with an active king position, and played 52... Kc3. Of course, White took the d5-pawn first.
Ssttooff (1913) - Himbeermousse (1960)

This week, finally, in the French flank attack with 4. b4 (after e4, Nf3 and e5) I remembered more theory than my adversary. He went Qxd8 instead of Nbd2 and lost pretty quickly since Qb2+ was coming.
Gefluegelzange (2058) - Himbeermousse (1970)

Chess Bitch - do not fuck with her, she will fuck with you...