Segerberg Chess Blog
- very chessative since 2018
This is my personal chess blog. I will write here whatever pleases me. My chess club can quit complaining...

Blog Overview

Dutch Company Rapid (191002)

In the end of September I travelled to Holland to play the Dutch Bedrijveenschaak 2019, which is a 7-round rapid touornament. First, however, I won the EPO warm-up blitz the Friday before.

We were five players on the team so I played five rounds and paused two rounds in the middle of the day. Comme d'habitude, they put me on first board to serve as cannon fodder.

My performance turned ut to be 2191, with which I was very content. The black game against FM Meng could have been a draw with some more exact endgame play, but the time eventually became a problem.

After the tournament we took a boat taxi to a nice restaurant. Rotterdam, despite its reputation as a big harbour, turned out to have some very picturesque scenery.

Then I stayed on for a week and played two long games in the Haagse Bond (regional) and the national league. Against Hoynck (2002) I missed a simple fork. He had just played 45... h5 and my attention was misdirected towards the kingside, so 46. Nf4 and a draw in the end.

Chess Bitch - do not fuck with her, she will fuck with you...